Saturday 17 June 2017





Thousands of people – who have been suddenly disorientated, shocked, worried, depressed, anxious about and fearful of what was previously for them a “normal” life - are today, after a catastrophic event, mainly categorised as suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, leading to clinical psychological or psychiatric so-called “treatment” at taxpayer expense, via the N.H.S.

But what does this widely diagnosed PTSD actually mean, and is it terminally handled by psychological or psychiatric counselling OR NOT ?

In its own literature, psychology was quite literally originally defined as “the study of the spirit”. (“Psyche” means “spirit”.)   But in an increasingly “material” age, this was rather quickly boiled down to “the study of the mind” and then, because of academic arguments about the existence, definition, structure and location of the ”mind”, “psychology” is more recently and most often re-specified as “the study of the brain and behaviour” - with no mention of either spirit or mind !

The academic psychological arguments about “mind” continue today, and we are still without an authoritative statement of the mind's existence and so finish up – in a well known psychology dictionary – with “mind” defined as “the sum total of psychological processes, conscious or unconscious”, (whatever that means ?)

However this brief all encompassing but non-specific definition follows on with: “while few psychologists think of mind as a spiritual entity separable from the brain and body, most now accept that the richness and reality of mental life cannot be denied, and that a place must be found for the word “mind” in comprehensive theories of human behaviour”.  (So is “mind” merely a “word” it would be nice to see in some new theory ?)

Bearing in mind that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a “mental” condition, and that “mental” means “appertaining to or arising from the mind”, the view of Psychiatry - as the other Mental Health “expert” - is laid out quite revealingly in the following definition of “Psychiatry” from Dr Chris Evan's authoritative “Dictionary of the Mind, Brain and Behaviour” (ISBN 0 09 918070 7):

The trouble with psychiatry today is that it is still without a working theory, not just of the mind, but also the disturbed mind. Even a definition of mental illness is not so easy to come by, so perhaps it is not surprising that to this date psychiatric methods have inevitably been of a hit or miss variety”.

Therefore, expensively and clearly ineffectively looking after our nation's Mental Health – i.e. “The Health of the MIND”, we have two professions (they should never be called “sciences”) who do not know what a mind is, whether it actually exists, what it's structure is and where it is located, etc. !

Would you employ a chauffeur who didn't know what a car was ?   Or an air pilot who didn't know what “navigation”, “landing” or “undercarriage” means ?

But we are expected to employ so-called “Expert MENTAL Health Counsellors” - called Clinical Psychologists and Psychiatrists who have no knowledge of the Mind - to provide “treatment” for the most common MENTAL Health disorders such as Depression & Post Traumatic Stress, etc. !

But what exactly IS Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ?

Well, “Post” means “after”,  “Traumatic” means “shocking”, “injurious”, “depressing”, “painful” or “unsettling”, etc., whilst “Stress” means “strain”, “pressure” or “load”, etc., all adding up to an unwanted mental or emotional state entered into, following and as a result of, some catastrophic event or occurrence.

It most often manifests itself as depression, anxiety, worry, fear of, exaggerated concern or apathy, and the most common psych approach to “treatment” is to get the sufferer to take medication or to “talk about” his or her “problem”.

Communicating with intention is essentially correct, except for one thing.

Amongst other things, mere “talking” serves as a reminder to the sufferer of what happened but, if the process used does not also act to lessen, expunge or erase that incident, it will actually build into the sufferers' minds more and more “trigger-points” in time which can re-stimulate their original “horror” memories and thus strengthen the persistence and duration of their initial traumatic stress condition.

Whilst the original traumatic events vary for time to time and from one person to another, the process which provides the sufferer with the ability to erase the original traumatic event is extremely precise and depends on the practitioners knowledge of the structure of the subjects' minds and how they work.

Unfortunately, psychologists and psychiatrists (psychs) by doubting, arguing about and in fact actively and continuously denying the existence of human minds, demonstrate that they know absolutely NOTHING about HOW to find and erase trauma and its re-stimulation factors from a sufferer's mind.   EXCEPT in those very few cases where individual (and often disillusioned) practitioners forsake psych training and develop their own personal better understanding of the mind. 
The technology and the techniques which enable a practitioner (or even a family member) to locate and discover original traumatic and re-stimulative factors and erase them permanently, are contained in the book: “DIANETICS®: The Modern Science of Mental Health” by L. Ron Hubbard®.  This has sold millions of copies around the world in most of the world's languages, and so is practised far more widely than any other form of Mental Health counselling taught by any of the often self-opposing and unsuccessful psych factions or schools of thought.

Because, unlike psych taught so-called Post Traumatic Stress Counselling, Dianetics Counselling permanently erases trauma from the mind, it can quickly reduce the number of Mental Health patients demanding attention from the U.K. National Health Service and thus slash the massive costs for that Service imposed upon our Chancellor of the Exchequer and ultimately the taxpayers.

The major bonus is however, that the way in which the Dianetics processes reduce trauma, is also the way in which Dianetics - when more fully delivered in the first half of life - acts to eliminate the onset of Dementia in later life, as well as current conditions such as depression, anxiety, allergies and substance addiction, etc.

What this demonstrates, in millions of cases, is that when you know the existence of the mind, how it works, how it may be upset and how to quickly bring it relief and repair, you can deliver what look like miracles to increasing numbers of families who may have mental, traumatic, emotional and / or addiction problems.

If you would like know more, pick up a copy of “DIANETICS: The Modern Science of Mental Health” from your local library or bookshop, or, if you would first like further information, phone Ken Eckersley on (01342) 811099 any day after 11.00am and up to 9.00pm.

He will answer all your questions, and, if you wish, refer you to a Dianetics practitioner local to you who can go into greater depth with you personally.

You can also e-mail questions to Ken on


This is a report prepared by:



Society for an Addiction Free Existence

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