Allergies are the result of our having, and being controlled by, an environmental “allergen” - defined and installed by our own “REACTIVE MIND” - that stimulus-response mental mechanism possessed by Man and all flesh & blood Animals, the latter organisms apparently having solely that mind as a guiding or controlling force in their lives.
The over-riding duty of the Reactive Mind is the protection and ensuring of the survival of the Bodies of various Earth species – including the bodies of individual Human Beings.
At times of painful threat, painful injury and painful attack upon Man’s body, the Reactive Mind is NOT concerned with the survival of the very personal purposeful motivating force and superior Analytical Mind of the “Being” which is normally controlling and giving purpose to the life of each individual and unique Human.
The Reactive Mind is governed solely by protective stimulus response, by action and reaction, the push-button which rings the bell, the pollens which make us sneeze with hay fever, the allergenic causes of asthma, and the various unrecognised mental health trigger factors in our immediate environment, which govern much of our lives and our behaviour, all unconsciously and so without our knowing.
Environmental factors to which the Reactive Minds of Human Beings automatically react in order – ABOVE ALL ELSE - to protect and ensure the survival of our BODIES (not our Analytical Mind facilities and our Souls) - now and in the future.
Whilst most of us recognise and possess the five main senses of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell, researchers tell us that there are at least another 45 ways in which we can become aware of, detect, identify or recognise factors in the physical universe including, amongst others, a sense of direction, a sense of balance, a sense of weight, motion and inertia, etc., etc.
And those who study allergies blame restimulative “trigger” factors, or “allergens”, which can crop up in our local environment, as being responsible for various reactions to those triggers – reactions which can be good, bad or even ugly enough to kill.
As currently defined by limited research of allergens (rather than by the more logical study of the Reactive Minds which designate and install allergens and research into why they do so), “allergy” essentially means special or unusual sensitivity of an individual to certain foods, pollens, nuts or other plant products, animal emanations, insect bites and chemicals, etc., etc., so that in such an individual, conditions like asthma, dyspepsia, nettle-rash, hay fever, eczema, headaches, migraines and obesity, etc., are generated.
According to authoritative medical dictionaries, the substances purported to produce allergies (i.e. the “allergens”) are amazingly numerous, often protein in nature and include such ordinary foods as eggs, milk, flour and potatoes, strawberries, peanuts, tomatoes, cauliflower, walnuts, pork, shell-fish, salmon, coffee and sugars, etc., as well as colouring and preservative agents, plus left-over traces of chemical fertilisers and residual growth hormones utilised in our food production. An allergy may also be caused by inhalation of dust from feathers (in pillows), from the hair of horses, dogs or cats, from pollen produced by plants, as well as paints and spirits, etc., - nearly ad infinitum.
Close examination of the above commonly reported allergenic triggers, reveals that they are all basically related to our “minor” senses of taste, touch and smell, and in fact we find no reference to allergies of our “superior” senses – sight and sound !
On the other hand, is it possible (by virtue of our pre-occupation with the material universe and psychiatry’s denial of mental and spiritual factors like “Mind” and “Spirit”) that we are missing the obvious, and that scenes, colours, sights, sounds, statements, pictures, commands, melodies, music and even the odd word, can also be allergens ?
Confirmation of the powerful transient control a specific “sight” or “sound” can have on behaviour comes from another unusual source as well as from everyday actions. A red light immediately stops vehicle drivers. An army sergeant shouting “SHUN” causes a hundred soldiers to click their heels together and to stand to attention.
But, more to the point, and proven on theatre stages, T.V. and in many consulting rooms worldwide, most hypnotists are able to install a command in a subject whereby, when-ever the hypnotist is SEEN by his subject to “touch his tie”, that subject feels overwhelm-ingly compelled to remove his jacket (usually justified by his saying “It’s hot in here”.)
But when, a few minutes later, the hypnotist SAYS and the subject HEARS another also installed command, such as the spoken words “How are you now”, the subject automatically responds by putting his jacket back on (usually again justifying his auto re-action to the hypnotist’s words by saying something like “It’s getting cold in here”).
What we are witnessing here, both for allergies and hypnotised subjects, is the power of the stimulus-response nature of what Freud called the “Unconscious Mind” (thus named because we are not conscious of its existence) but which is better called the “Reactive Mind”, because it automatically reacts to what has been installed by life’s painful and traumatic incidents, by re-stimulation of such incidents or by hypnotic suggestion.
Freud was the first researcher to get close to the cause of any real HUMAN mental health problems, but regrettably was diverted from completing his exploration of them.
This Reactive Mind is created at about the same moment as conception (along with the tiny zygote formed during intercourse) as nature’s system for the protection and survival of the new human body which is about to be constructed and developed in the Mother’s womb. Until just before the birth date this Reactive Mind has nothing to do with the survival of 1) the new Person or 2) that Person’s Analytical Mind facilities, simply because both these factors researchers have known since the 1950s, do not enter upon the scene until much later in the pregnancy cycle – i.e. immediately prior to the baby’s birth date.
The earlier established body protecting Reactive Mind’s natural stimulus-response function is simple and can quite often be effective.
In order that they may be recognised, avoided or successfully handled in future similar circumstance, that Reactive “mind” sets about recording in the body’s affected cells, every relevant traumatic, painful, injurious, damaging and threatening INCIDENT experienced by those body cells, ALONG WITH the action which was taken at the time in order to survive or overcome the pain and trauma, etc., JUST IN CASE THAT PARTICULAR SUCCESSFUL SURVIVAL ACTION MIGHT HAVE FUTURE USAGE.
A crudely logical procedure, and often an effective one in part or in full.
BUT, unfortunately history does not always repeat itself in exactly the same sequence, manner or circumstances every time, and as a result, that which was recorded as a survival action at an earlier time, when enforced under similar BUT OFTEN MAINLY DIFFERENT NEW circumstances, can even lead to the opposite of healthy survival or to an on-going life of curtailed or diminished physical and / or mental existence arising from permanent injury – caused by reactively handling a current traumatic incident in EXACTLY the same way as an earlier incident IT MAY IN FACT ONLY SUPERFICIALLY RESEMBLE.
Because the Reactive Mind operates strictly on the very specific idea that without the body, neither the Person nor the Person’s Analytical Mind can exist or function, it operates to enforce physical survival OVER AND ABOVE the wishes or needs of the Person and the Person’s present time ANALYTICAL assessment of any traumatic circumstances of the moment.
In other words, in its over-riding body survival goal, IN ORDER TO AVOID INTERFERENCE (from yourself and / or your Analytical Mind) the Reactive Mind can, when automatically re-stimulated by the current situation’s triggers, reduce the participation of your Analytical Mind partly or fully down to zero – i.e. into the state we know as “unconsciousness”, which also locks out the Spiritual Being (YOU) - the C.E.O. of that body.
Which, to say the least, is unfortunate because, whilst the Reactive Mind is only able to IDENTIFY or recognise factors in the environment, the Analytical Mind is additionally capable of COMPARING and DIFFERENTIATING between those factors, and thus operates “intelligently”. (This of course is why Man effectively rules the world – because animals have only a Reactive Mind and thus no intelligent analytical ability or goals beyond their own body survival and reproduction of further bodies.)
It also accounts for why any Human Being (if, as and when reactively re-stimulated by the environment) can, at any time, abandon analytical present time logical handling of his or her life, and start instead to act in an automatic, mechanical and possibly illogical manner, which might either be helpful OR dangerous / injurious to self and others.
These reactive episodes, which can vary in emotional tone and duration from one incident to another, are what most people have come to recognise as Mental Health problems - when such emotional states are increasingly chronic.
Rising up from Low to High, these emotional states include (amongst others):
Feeling Useless,
Being Undeserving,
Making Amends,
Covert Hostility,
Unstated Resentment
No Sympathy,
Psychiatry (in its infamous “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders” derived from un-researched and un-proven invention and by the re-labelling of normal conditions as mental disorders) has recently managed in a short space of time to expand its field of operation to include nearly 400 so-called “Mental Disorders” in order (as deliberately intended by Carnegie & Rockefeller) to provide as many opportunities as possible for the prescribing (at taxpayer expense) of extremely profitable multi-daily doses of addictive pharmaceutical drugs. Prescribed drugs which we know from experience can create many of the above emotional conditions – and regularly do so.
But the fact, proven in 1950, IS that most forms of mental irregularity stem from the mistakes, the failures and even the correct workings of the Reactive Mind, and in a live human being are demonstrated and dramatized in the emotional conditions listed above when they become chronic in duration.
In the above emotional states one can see reflected and displayed the neuroses, psychoses, paranoia, schizophrenia, ADHD, PTSD, Bipolar and numerous other psychiatric disorders – but with one notable difference between these psychiatric so-called “disorders” and that list of commonly displayed human emotions.
On the one hand, so-called psychiatric disorders all depend for their treatment on Electric Shock Therapy (ECT), invasive brain operations such as Pre-Frontal Lobotomies and Leucotomies, massive “Deep Sleep” drug dosages and / or long-term extremely profitable multi-daily doses of mainly addictive pharmaceutical drugs.
But, on the other hand, clearing out from the Reactive Mind those unknown reactive recordings which underlie the psychiatric conditions listed in the paragraph prior to the last one, requires only specifically trained expert communication procedures in one’s own language between a qualified Dianetics® practitioner and the troubled individual.
Unfortunately however, there is one thing which usually makes this viable route to full Mental Health impossible for many people.
Anybody who has already received ECT, a brain operation, or psychiatric pharmaceutical drugs would normally be unable to fully benefit from modern human Mental Health restorative procedures. Simply because, proven by experience over 69 years, it is clear that such psychiatric “treatments” disable the individual’s own memory paths and natural mental healing abilities, and thus render a troubled individual virtually incurable.
Psychiatry has been in existence since the mid-1800s, and backed by the evidence of the last 170 years you could rightly say that: THE FOUR THINGS WRONG WITH MENTAL HEALTH PROVISION IN GREAT BRITAIN (and in most other countries) ARE PSYCHIATRIC DIAGNOSING, PSYCHIATRIC TREATMENT, PSYCHIATRIC PRESCRIBING AND THE BEHAVIOUR OF MOST PSYCHIATRISTS !
CHECK-UP ON HOW MANY “PSYCHS” FINISH-UP IN COURT, AND IN PRISON, and why they are the profession reported to have the highest suicide rate ! (Which even Psychiatrists recognise is mainly due to repeated failure.)
When researching for why psychiatry has descended to being such a danger for Mankind and for psychiatrists themselves, we discover two significant sets of data.
THE FIRST being the fact that from the time of Wilhelm Wundt of Leipzig onwards, psychiatric research has been nearly exclusively conducted on Soul-less and Analytically Mind-less millions of mice, millions of rats and Pavlov’s Dogs, plus half dead concentration camp prisoners and already insane mental asylum inmates.
Only a few psychological researchers like Freud set out to investigate the ordinary Man’s mental make-up, and so it was Psychiatry which finished up rejecting evidence of the existence of the human “Mind” and the evidence of a million years of religious belief in Man’s “Soul” – just because animals do not detectably have Analytical Minds or Souls !
THE SECOND significant set of data bringing world mental health to its current dangerous, damaging and demeaning situation comes from the early 1900s, when the American Medical Association accepted a joint offer from the Carnegie Institute and John D. Rockefeller, to take over the TRAINING of all U.S. General Practitioners, Doctors and Other Physicians.
This millionaire duo was already in the industrial and agricultural chemical business, but recognising that there were BILLIONS of Human Beings on Earth, who could utilise pharmaceutical drugs, they wanted to take control of and seriously expand & exploit that lucrative marketplace, knowing well the massive easy sales potential of addictive drugs.
They were NOT interested in testing for dietary shortages or excesses. Or in seeking any explanations for allergic reactions to chemicals or other allergens. THOSE SUBJECTS DID NOTHING TO SELL ADDICTIVE AND OTHER MEDICAL DRUGS, and in fact had the potential to steer medical treatment away from pharmaceutical drug prescribing.
As a result, they gave so-called “research grants” only to those U.S. Medical Universities, Colleges and Teaching Hospitals which nearly exclusively taught PALLIATIVE diagnosing and prescribing for SYMPTOMS, rather than spending time, money and effort on investigating and testing for CAUSES.
Their mantra was “Why waste precious medical diagnostic time and expensive and long winded laboratory time, on testing for “causes”, when the “symptoms” the patient is suffering from, are what need handling as quickly as possible – which can (they said) so obviously be done by prescribing a relevant drug” ! (Preferably an addictive one !)
The result by 1927 was the near total demise in American medical training of investigation of dietary causes of sickness plus a similar curtailing of curricula interest in allergies and how they might influence human health and behaviour.
And with little psychiatric diagnostic support at that time, they concentrated their efforts nearly exclusively on Physical Disorders until the 1950s. Since then, pushed by international Big Pharma in the field of Physical Health and by their psychiatric running mates in the field of Mental Health, we have seen PALLIATIVE “symptom only treating”procedures spread across the globe to every national health system in the world - especially those with taxpayer financed health services - such as our N.H.S.
The stifling of research into dietary subjects is now starting to show up in the statistics for obesity, suffered by 63% of British women, 50% of British men and 30% of our children.
The equal stifling of research into allergies has of course encouraged the lucrative prescribing of drugs in that sector, BUT, more importantly has deliberately frustrated and opposed the proven fact that genuine mental problems ARE after all, nothing more than the dramatization of “sight” and “sound” allergies built-up in quantity and activity from conception onwards, and capable of easy eradication with Dianetics technology.
And bear in mind that, because sight and sound both cover comprehension of written and spoken language, the written word and the spoken word can both have powerful, meaningful and thus MUCH MORE controlling impact on the viewer and the listener.
But “an understanding of true Mental Health problems” is the baby that pharmaceutical research grants threw out with the bathwater when they drove out full and proper research into allergies !
Allergies are the result of having and being controlled by a Reactive Mind. A stimulus-response mechanism which is possessed by all Human Beings, and the anatomy and operation of allergies is as follows:
The basic component of any allergy is a Reactive Mind recording of a painfully traumatic and injurious incident, PLUS, a simultaneous recording of what was provably successful at that time in procuring the on-going survival of the injured body.
As, when and if a second similar incident is recorded, for natural in-built automatic body protection reasons the Reactive Mind (which, because of its inability to Compare and Differentiate, cannot measure time) treats these incidents as likely happening at any time or all the time, and so initiates an unknown to the person, automatic constant watch for the threatening environmental factors contained in the two incidents.
When such factors, WHICH ARE ESSENTIALLY ALLERGENS, are detected in the local environment, in order to protect the body, the Reactive Mind triggers – i.e. immediately tries to apply - the recordings of the earlier actions which provably provided continuing body survival, even though other different environmental factors now present (or perhaps not available) might render that application of an earlier recorded past “survival action” impossible - or even highly dangerous.
Depending on the nature of the original trauma, those earlier recorded survival actions are of a wide variety.
If the original trauma was an infection, a contagion, a germ, a virus, a poison, impact, burns, a breakage, etc., along with any medication, the body’s own natural healing abilities will have handled the situation, and the resulting period of illness would have taken an appropriate and recognisable form: skin spots, coughing, shivering, elevated or depressed body temperature, vomiting, itching, diarrhoea, sneezing, blocked breathing channels, sore eyes, pounding heart, immobility, high or low blood pressure, etc.
But if crying, running, screaming, hiding, sulking, struggling, fighting, anxiety, depression, or any of the above listed emotions were part of earlier successful survival, then they will very likely also later be dramatized.
And as long as the body survived, then, along with the original survival action recordings, such new reactions (and their recordings) also become “necessary” survival conditions or triggers for any future similar attacks OR threats of such attacks.
This in turn results in continuous EXPANSION of that Reactive Mind’s ACTIVITY, along with continuous REDUCTION of the activities of the Analytical Mind, PLUS reduction of the length and frequency of the periods of time when the Being (who is normally the body’s C.E.O.) gives life, purpose and direction to his or her body.
In the following Bar Chart, periods of REACTIVE ACTIVITY (shown in Black and commencing at conception) INCREASE in line with expanding Reactive Mind CONTENT – as more and more painful anti-survival incidents occur and accrue.
Periods of ANALYTICAL ACTIVITY (shown in Grey and starting immediately before birth) DECREASE BECAUSE OF increasing Reactive Mind Activity, which partly or fully shuts down the Analytical Function at painful or threatening times.
Symptoms of Dementia can start appearing at any age, but usually from 50 years on.
(N.B. The pain motivated increase in Reactive Mind CONTENT is NOT on a smooth gradient as shown below, but varies from person to person and from time to time for each person.)
9 decade decade decade decade decade decade decade decade decade
Mths 00-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90
Preg years years years years years years years years years
(R) (R) (A) (R) (A) (R) (A) (R) (A) (R) (A) (R) (A) (R) (A) (R) (A) (R) (A)
Serious physical injury is of course capable of occurring from conception onwards, whilst other forms of major trauma - before or after birth – (and including failed abortion and other pre-natal incidents, rapes, births, male and female circumcision, poisonings, recreational and prescription drug consumption, burning, scalding, bone-breaking and impact, etc., etc.) can at any age, but not always, create mental abnormalities as well as, or instead of, the purely physical impact on the body.
Please also bear in mind that because the fundamental basis of all recordings in the Reactive Mind is Attacks Upon and Injury and Threats to the Body AND because all drug doses are essentially doses of poisons, THEN, along with electric shocks and brain operations ALL the so-called psychiatric & pharmaceutical ‘treatments’ the politicians have been conned into allowing and supporting, are actually creating massive expansions of Reactive Mind content and thus deliberate massive expansions of U.K. Mental Health problems, including Dementia (but not necessarily Alzheimers, which appears to have physical brain deterioration causes).
Currently (March 2019) a government Bill (being quietly pushed through Parliament whilst the Cabinet is busy with Brexit and entitled “Transforming Children’s and Young People’s Mental Health Provision”) will place a psychiatrist in every School, College, University and G.P. Surgery, who will prescribe daily doses of addictive drugs to the 5 to 25 years old age group, comprised of 18 million U.K. pupils and students – just to spend an extra £20 billion a year, as demanded with threats by the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry in April 2017.
Before you allow that Bill to become the most suppressive law ever passed in any civilised country, please recognise that the only thing wrong with Mental Health Provision in this country is the positioning of Psychiatrists and Pharmaceutical production companies as the “experts” on mental health, when they are in fact no more than the experts on how to quietly and efficiently “milk” the Exchequer and our U.K. taxpayers via the National Health Service.
(So “Drinka Pinta Milka Day” is now “Takea Lotta Lovely Drugsa Day”.)
Ministers, Officials and other Politicians might be forgiven, because everything they know about psychiatry and pharmaceuticals they regrettably have normally to learn from psychiatrists and pharmaceutical producers, who pose as Gamekeepers, when they are actually Poachers. (Or more accurately “Pushers” of easy profit addictive drugs !)
These misleading advisors cleverly & efficiently manipulate the Government, mainly via M.Ps’ over-riding commitment to the maximising of Employment Opportunities and Tax Collection and the vote catching potential of the N.H.S. - because patients have also been sold the idea that prescribing for symptoms is the be all and end all of a health service. (And is today why we have 6 times more State supplied drug addicts than illegal addicts.)
So much so, that the politicians illogically spend more than they raise from the taxes contributed by the psycho-pharms - on weekly town centre cleaning, Policing, Courts, prisons, school addicts and “managing” (and dosing) for life over 6 million drug addicts deliberately created by the psycho-pharms with addictive prescription drugs.
But, if you are not worried by the news in the last 9 pages, wait till you hear the really bad news !
According to the psychiatric “experts” on Alzheimers and the far more prevalent Dementia, no cause or cure for Dementia is yet known, approaching one million people in the U.K. are already living with Dementia, an average of over 100 more people move into Dementia every day, 2 million British people will be living with Dementia by 2050, and one in three people will die with some form of Dementia.
They also correctly report that this increasingly serious situation already costs the U.K. economy £24 BILLION every year and, most worryingly, they say that there are currently NO EFFECTIVE TREATMENTS to slow or stop Dementia.
SIMPLY BECAUSE THE CAUSE OF DEMENTIA IS KNOWN, AND, whilst a cure is not yet available, it is clear how Dementia can be AVOIDED and how it may be PREVENTED if one starts early enough. Additionally, knowing the cause, we also know how to bring some relief to a confirmed sufferer and to his or her family.
Please bear in mind that ALL genuine mental health problems are actually allergies of TRANSIENT sight & sound, as distinct from better known physical allergies, related to material / physical factors which we can taste, touch and smell.
Recognise also that the confusions and irrationality of Dementia are created by the fact that THE REACTIVE MIND OF THE SUFFERER IS MORE OFTEN AND FOR LONGER DURATIONS IN CHARGE OF HIS OR HER LIFE, to the point where THE HUMAN ANALYTICAL MIND IS NO LONGER IN CHARGE, because THE WHOLE LOCAL ENVIRONMENT HAS EFFECTIVELY BECOME ONE NEARLY CONTINUOUS ALLERGEN, keeping the sufferer (and family) in what is actually now a U.K. wide “Super Allergy” !
Avoiding Dementia – is simply a matter of avoiding pain, injury, impact and attacks upon your body. This means, in addition to avoiding boxing, rugby, wrestling, extreme sports and poisons, you should keep away from fashions like tattooing, piercings, ALL forms of drugs, circumcision and abortion, and any other action which is painful or physically upsetting. It can also mean occasionally changing your climatic location, your surroundings, your diet and even some of your acquaintances.
Preventing Dementia – is achieved by the application of actions you can take after failing to avoid painful body injuring and destroying incidents – and these actions are of two main types. “Assists Processes” are applied immediately after a failure to avoid. i.e. within a couple of hours after the incident, and preferably sooner when possible. In an emergency, such “Assists” can be obtained free of charge from a Scientology Volunteer Minister or from your nearest Scientology Church or Dianetics Practitioner, and any individual interested in expanding his or her knowledge, can apply to undertake a short inexpensive training course in how to deliver many of the various Assists available.
Where a longer period of time has elapsed since a given painful injury or attack on the body (in addition to obtaining relief from the application of Assists) in order to achieve fuller Prevention of Reactive Mind re-stimulation, it is necessary to undertake “Objective” processing procedures and / or “Dianetics” Clear Auditing, which is what the un-demented author of this briefing did 45 years ago.
These processes can straightforwardly and inexpensively be done between two family members, friends or acquaintances after undertaking the necessary training, or, for a fee, can be obtained from a professionally trained and experienced Dianetics Auditor.
To obtain full details of the availability of Dianetics® training & auditing in your district, phone the author of this briefing on (01342) 811099 or 810151 any day between 11.00am and 9.00pm,
or e-mail at any time.
blog post researched and published by
U.K. Based
for an Addiction
as a not-for-profit Community Support Group in 1974.
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