Thursday, 26 October 2017









Psychiatry is that pseudo Mental Health science which has NO definition for, NO description of, NO location for, NO anatomy of, and NO working knowledge about the human MIND, even though "mental" means: "of the Mind, done by the Mind, and involving or appertaining to the Mind" !

And as if that is not weird and misleading enough, psychiatry also denies totally the existence of the human SOUL, which is recognised by 90+% of the billions of members of religious congregations of numerous faiths around the World.

This set of gross omissions arises because, since even before the early 1800s, psychiatric researchers began examining and experimenting on millions of rats, mice, Pavlov's dogs and numerous other laboratory animals, in the mistaken assumption that Man is also a flesh and blood animal - likely with a superior brain, and a similar stimulus-response reaction to danger, physical damage and recovery from such injuries.

But by wrongly considering the Brain as the life giving and survival governing organ, and thus leaving out the Soul and its Analytical Mind capabilities, they have failed to recognise that A HUMAN BEING IS AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT SPECIES FROM ANY OF THE ANIMAL SPECIES AND THAT MAN MUST THEREFORE BE RECOGNISED AND TREATED ENTIRELY DIFFERENTLY FROM ANIMALS !.

But that's not what psychiatrists do.

They regard Man as just another Animal, but likely with a superior Brain.

As a result of which they damage the Souls of Man AND his Minds with Animal Practices instead of using Human Practices.

Not dissimilar to putting diesel oil into a petrol driven car, or vice versa. Or trying to start a gas oven just by switching on the gas and expecting it will then heat up just like an electric oven does when you switch on the electric.

Take a long hard look at various animals - domesticated, farmed, in the wild or in a zoo, and ask yourself: "Can that possibly be me ?".

Then close your eyes and get a mental image picture of a time when you were enjoying life and, whilst you've got that picture, reply out loud to this question: "WHO'S LOOKING AT THAT PICTURE ?".

That's right: You are !

Because you probably answered "I am", and in that answer you confirmed YOU ARE A SOUL and that YOU are in charge of a human body.

Mrs May claims that "No Deal" is better for Brexit than a "Bad deal".

Let her therefore also recognise that Mental Health WITH NO PSYCHIATRISTS is better than allowing damaging modern psychiatric practices to continue, and that Mental Health based on a modern science of the mind cooperatively researched with human beings able to communicate coherently with the researchers - is the BEST DEAL.

That modern mental Science is called DIANETICS®.

It was launched in 1950, and it is now practised in most civilised countries of the world, EXCEPT those already committed over decades to Wilhelm Wundt born in 1832, Pavlov 1849, Freud 1856, Adler 1870, Jung 1875, Ellis and others, all of whom have contributed to the assorted and often opposing views and damaging practices of clinical psychology, psycho-therapy and psychiatry as we know them today (which are still going on right now 365 days a year !)

They include: Electro-Convulsive Shock Treatment (ECT), Narcotic Shock Therapy (Deep Sleep), invasive brain operations such as Pre-Frontal Lobotomies and Leucotomies, and multi-daily addictive drug prescribing and administering - at MASSIVE U.K. Taxpayer expense.

How much expense ?   BILLIONS !

Over £3,650 MILLION a year AND, if the psycho-pharms advising Mrs May have their way, they would like to see this doubled !

On top of this the Government's own National Audit Bureau reports that keeping 200,000 former heroin users in methadone costs another £9.4 BILLION across all government Departments, so we are looking at over £13 BILLION every year just to keep 4,200,000 individuals legally addicted to addictive pharmaceutical drugs supplied by the N.H.S. via the Department of Health and thus the U.K. Taxpayer.

If you don't believe these statements Mrs May, please read knowledgeable, brave and discerning newspaper reporters like Peter Hitchens, who protests the manner in which the psycho-pharmaceutical fraternity have hoodwinked the young Royal Family into help persuade you and your Cabinet to spend more on psychiatric addictive drugs, etc., in the name of "Mental Health".


This Blog researched and Published by

Society for an Addiction Free Existence

P.S. Phone (01342) 811099 if you would like to study for a qualification in:
The Modern Science of Mental Health - "DIANETICS®" by L. Ron Hubbard.

Every major company's human resources department should of course be trained in DIANETICS, so they may inexpensively handle workplace mental health.  This includes government Departments, the Police and the Military.

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