Monday, 12 December 2016

Haven't you sometimes wondered if . . . .








Social Care” is all about people.   So it is not unreasonable to expect that those officials and professionals mainly in charge of our Social Care Services should be rather expert on the subject of “human beings”.


We find that Social Services of all kinds provide a workplace (or some say playground) for a whole range of “graduates” trained in or influenced by strange psychiatric definitions of human beings and weird interpretations of human behaviour.

In addition to psychiatrists themselves, these “graduates” include psychologists, psycho-therapists, psycho-analysts, social scientists and sociologists as well as social workers, etc., and because the word “psyche” means “mind” or “spirit”, you would expect psychology and psychiatry to be the experts on the human mind.


In Psychology's Dr. Chris Evans' authoritative “Dictionary of the Mind, Brain and Behaviour” (ISBN 0 09 918070 7), the definition for “mind” ends with:
Whilst few psychologists think of “mind” as a spiritual entity separable from the brain and body, most now accept that the richness and reality of mental life cannot be denied, and that a place must be found for the word “mind” in comprehensive theories of human behaviour”.

Obviously the “word” MIND has got to be acknowledged by one's profession when your profession is named “psyche-something”, which means “mind” (or “spirit”).

But what about a definition for “mind” ?
What about a description of “mind” ?
What about the “mind's” location ?
What about the structure or anatomy of the “mind” ?
What about the two different sorts of “minds” all human being's possess ?
What about the function of each of these “minds” ?
What about how to safely access “the mind”?
What about how “the mind” can become irrational, and why ?
And what about how “the mind” can be recovered to sanity, etc. ?

Wouldn't the above vital information be slightly more important than merely “finding a 'place' in “theories” for the word “mind” ?


That authoritative Psychology dictionary definition for “psychiatry” finishes with:
The trouble with psychiatry today is that it is still without a working theory, not just of the mind but also the disturbed mind.
Even a definition of 'mental illness' is not easy to come by, so perhaps it is not surprising that to this date psychiatric methods have inevitably been of a hit or miss variety.”

In searching the wide range of mainly divergent and contradictory arguments and definitions in “psych” written manuals and training materials from the various mainly opposing psych “schools of thought”, one finds NO agreed upon definition for “MIND” and, in fact, there is a near comprehensive denial of the mind's existence.

And this means that it is those “psych” professions which control our Social Care Services which deny the very existence of what gives us our human superiority over the animal world by denying the existence of our “psyche” - i.e. OUR ANALYTICAL MIND AND OUR SPIRIT (or “soul”).

As a result, the psycho-social “care-world” has closely allied itself with the commercial world of pharmaceutical medication, monthly feeding billions of £pounds worth of addictive drugs into millions of social care patients - mainly to keep them “resting quietly” at British taxpayer expense, whilst providing well paid jobs for the psych practitioners and provably huge profits for the drug companies.

So, instead of being able to continue living in their own homes or amongst their own families, increasing numbers of our elderly (and others) (NOW NEARLY THREE MILLION) have become involuntarily addicted prescription junkies in local nursing homes who employ mainly low-paid so-called “nursing staff” from third-world countries who are content to have employment in a civilised country, even though their job is only to make sure that their client/patients “take their three times a day drugs” and get clean bedding when their drug intake upsets their stomachs.

Anyone who regularly follows the national and local media headlines soon becomes aware that the above are not the only examples of failing social care and failing psychiatric versions of so-called mental health “treatments” - which are always coupled with appeals for more and more money to spend on residential accommodation and especially prescription drugs.

WHEN will Ministers, M.Ps, Officials and even the Royal family begin to recognise that they are – in a majority of cases - being taken for a ride by the “Mental Health” and “Social Care” industries – particularly in respect of prescription medication and addictive drugs. And when will the British public themselves begin to realise that they also are being misled and damaged by food and drink producers and over-the-counter medicine advertisements and promotions.

All of which can lead to an increased demand for “CARE”, much of which can be avoided or prevented by “care” full living, PLUS properly founded CARE of those who are in need of real advice and attention from doctors.   Doctors and G.Ps who are regrettably more concerned with the palliative, symptom-handling, time-saving prescription writing they have been taught, sponsored by the cash grants which pharmaceutical companies make to doctor's medical training institutions.

Like so many other aspects of modern living, addictive drugs and misinformation on them, underlie any problems in those areas.

But unfortunately national and local governments and health service chiefs have failed so often in the last 68 years because the professional so-called experts advising them on health and care are in fact professional con-artists concerned only with position, power and profit.

If you would like to know more about the real underlying causes of our currently increasing SOCIAL CARE SERVICE failures and how they may be improved whilst saving huge amounts of taxpayer monies, please feel free to call (01342) 810151 or 811099 most days between 11.00am and 9.00pm to ask questions and to review what can be done to improve matters.



Seeking To Avoid Dementia and Other Psycho-Pharm Prompted Problems.

Sunday, 11 December 2016

"With your help, our scientists will defeat Dementia.”




as he tries to coax or frighten as many of us

as possible into sending his “team” lots and

lots of our hard earned cash to help them in

their currently abortive search for a way to

"treat" the symptoms of Dementia !



DEMENTIA !   Which is because his team

really doesn't know what causes Dementia

and because, in any event, psychiatric teams

know nothing about the mind.

Nevertheless, he says: “defeating Dementia

relies on two key factors: . . . . the brightest

scientific minds and increased funding.”

Even though most members of his team are

psychiatrists – whose pseudo-science doesn't

even recognise the existence or nature of the

human “mind”, and whose practitioners

certainly don't know that AVOIDANCE and

PREVENTION are a million times more

important than so-called “treatment”, simply

because – if Dementia's symptoms have

become obvious and "treatment" is advised

-  it is likely already far too late !

As long as psychiatrists, neurologists and pharmacologists continue to hold on to the false idea that the “brain” is the repository of the “psyche” (which means “soul” or “mind”), they will continue to seek more and more money instead of seeking truly “brighter minds” WHO ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT THE HUMAN MIND AND THE SPIRITUAL LIFE FORCE BEHIND IT ARE, and where and how to access and help both those factors.

Hopefully, they will eventually recognise that, whilst other flesh and blood animals have brains – animals do not have the minds of Man, and that it is Man's mind which is the victim of Dementia – not his brain.

This is because brains are NOT beings but, in both animals and Man, are nothing more nor less than an extremely efficient electronic SWITCHBOARD designed to provide an interface between the Being (or person) and the Beings minds and body.

Why “minds”?  Because, whilst animals and Man both possess “Reactive minds”, it is Man alone who also possesses an “Analytical mind” which makes him master of the majority of other lifeforms on Earth, and it is the increasingly prolonged take-over of that Analytical Mind by his Reactive Mind which is the cause of Dementia.

It will therefore be seen that, until medical research into Dementia recognises the existence of the Spiritual Being and both the Analytical and the Reactive minds and their functions, then that research can make no progress into preventing Dementia, because it is in the relationship between both those minds (about which psychiatry has yet to become aware) that the cause of Dementia is to be found.

Already completed and 66 year proven Dianetics® research into our minds by philosopher, humanitarian and scientist L. Ron Hubbard®, reveals that, whilst the Analytical mind is concerned with Man's goals, direction, eternal life and his physical attributes, the Reactive mind is concerned solely and only with the preservation and protection of the human body which Man's Spiritual Self (or soul) has chosen to use for his activities in the physical universe.

And whilst the Analytical mind with its three main abilities of “identification”, “comparison” and “differentiation” is vastly superior to the Reactive mind's single ability “to identify”,  because of the over-riding need to keep the body alive to serve the purposes of both analytical AND reactive considerations, nature has given the Reactive mind the power (in what may appear to that mind to be bodily threatening or damaging circumstances) to shut-down the Analytical mind (full or partial unconsciousness) whilst implementing a purely reactive earlier experience-based endeavour to preserve and protect the body from physical harm.

Furthermore, during the time the Analytical mind is shut down, so also is the will of the Spiritual Being (or soul) which is using that body for its present lifetime endeavours.

The job of the Reactive mind is to be aware of and react to damage and / or real and apparent threats to the body in the form of impact, injury, burns, scalding, breaking, stabbing, bruising and poisoning or doping, etc., etc., with the purpose of not only acting immediately to alleviate the current damaging or threatening situation, but also in order to build up a permanent record intended to provide a rapid stimulus-response reaction to future similarly threatening circumstances.

So, because the Analytical Mind is shut-down during such Reactive incidents, every painful, poisoning and physically threatening event is recorded ONLY in the Reactive mind and not in the Analytical mind, and so is not normally known to the Analytical mind OR to the Spiritual Being who possesses and is running that body.

Furthermore, it will be seen that, with physical threats, injuries, poisoning and pain a constant part of every day life on Earth, the size of the Reactive store of memories of such incidents fundamentally can ONLY grow and grow and grow, leading to increasing control of a person's life by his or her very often irrational animal originated Reactive mind, instead of by his or her highly sane and extremely rational exclusively human Analytical mind.

A young person with only a minor store of earleir physical injury content in his or her Reactive mind, operates mainly via his or her rational Analytical mind.   But an older person, with a far greater number of painful, threatening and depressing incidents in his or her life, INCREASINGLY operates out of the earlier recorded physical protection computations stored in his or her Reactive mind, which will too often be inapplicable to current present time circumstances, and which will thus appear strange, weird or even totally absurd to their family, friends and colleagues.

If recognised early enough, or if anticipated from Dianetic research, knowledge and study of the Reactive mind and its effect on Man's behaviour in general, deterioration into Dementia can be prevented by learning how to empty or “clear” the Reactive mind, and so also avoid the increasing expansion of its contents and its malevolent effect on a person's later life.

This Dianetic “clearing” has been possible since the 1950s and today is available from qualified practitioners around the U.K. and the rest of the world, and you can obtain a local practitioner's contact details by phoning (01342) 810151 or 811099, practically any time between 11.00am and 9,00pm on most weekdays.

There is however also something helpful you can start to do immediately.

Obviously, avoid hurting or poisoning yourself in even the most minor ways.  But if you do, also avoid excess usage of so-called “painkillers” for two important reasons:

1) After an injury, pain is a message from a damaged body-part reporting progress or otherwise of natural healing and / or the threat of too much not yet appropriate stress on that injured organ or limb.

This is because painkillers also stop your body's natural healing actions from easily communicating with, and thus speeding the healing of, that injured body part.

2) Especially avoid the usage or ingestion of any substances known to be basically toxic, even if only mildly so, as they constitute another threat to the body's comfortable survival. This includes avoiding not only alcohol, but also all forms of addictive drugs, including even those which may be prescribed by your local G.P.

This is because it is increasingly apparent that the U.K's four million drug addicts (of which some three million are involuntarily addicted to prescription drugs) are amongst the most hopeless and rapidly deteriorating Dementia cases.

If you were taking toxins or poisons like Diazepam (Valium) or any of the other Benzodiazepines three times a day every day, and suffering “cold turkey” withdrawal symptoms whenever you tried to withdraw from their usage, wouldn't you begin to suspect that there might also be other collateral damage being done to your body and your life ?

And the answer to your suspicions is: YES – drugs of all types are a prime factor in speeding up the onset of Dementia, and there are three times as many people addicted to legally prescribed and over-the-counter pharmaceutical drugs as there are addicted to criminal and smuggled illegal drugs.

Drugs paid for by U.K. taxpayers are the main financial burden on the N.H.S., as addictive drugs seldom if ever cure anything - but cost all of us - £billions.

(And, interestingly, addictive drugs also make psychiatrically supported
pharmaceutical companies amongst the richest in the whole world !)



Seeking To Avoid Dementia.

Monday, 21 November 2016











The current most damaging barriers to, or brakes on, the development of the human race are the ADDICTIONS which disable millions.   Mainly addiction to substances such as chemical drugs and alcoholic drink (which of course is also an addictive drug).
And whilst trillions of £Pounds, $Dollars and €uros and billions of man hours have been spent by nations around the world on the so-called “treatment” of drug addiction, since 1948 the size of the world's substance addicted population has continued relentlessly to increase, and the psychiatric profession, which is overwhelmingly responsible for delivery of such treatments, continues to repeat the lie that: “Addiction Is Basically Incurable”!

WHY?  Because psychiatric prescription treatment methods are themselves fundamentally INCAPABLE of curing substance addiction, a fact which the pseudo-science of psychiatry and its pharmaceutical partners in “drug treatment methodology” continuously endeavour to withhold from the political decision-makers of the world as well as from the general public and news media - for no reason other than their own strictly commercial profit ambitions.

On a world basis, the psycho-pharms not only currently make £TRILLIONS out of prescribing addictive pharmaceutical drugs to “manage” an ever expanding invented series of so-called “mental illnesses”, they make further £BILLIONS out of pretending that they can “handle” the world's “Dementia” and “Depression” problems by expensively feeding multi-daily supplies of addictive pharmaceutical prescription drugs to N.H.S. patients, and also pretend to “manage” our drug and drink addicts with even more daily supplies of addictive psycho-pharmaceutical prescription drugs - ALL PAID FOR BY U.K. TAXPAYERS.

To understand the truth, it is necessary to first recognise the absolute and unavoidable fact that: NO ONE CAN EVER BECOME ADDICTED TO A DRUG WHICH THEY NEVER EVER TAKE - because it is the taking of an addictive drug which ALONE creates addiction.

Therefore, it is those factors which act to prompt individuals into deciding or agreeing to take such drugs which are the fundamental driving force behind drug addiction, and also the cause of the economic and social devastation which those addicts then impose on population and government.

Modern living styles, fashions and educational, economic and marketing practices of all kinds generate emotional, relationship and employment problems, etc., for youngsters in the 13 to 30 years age bracket.  Personal problems for which they will obviously, with increasing concern, seek some available solution – especially when the so-called “social sciences” fail them.

One solution continuously presented is “drugs” and, in respect of smuggled illicit supplies of drugs - such as cannabis, cocaine, crack, heroin, skunk and criminal supplies of stolen prescription drugs such as benzodiazepines, buprenorphine, methadone and others - we all know that 90+% of the information given out by the pushers of these drugs IS FALSE MARKETING HYPE GIVEN OUT (often along with a couple of free samples) TO PROCURE A NEW CUSTOMER.  THIS IS BECAUSE THE PUSHERS KNOW IT IS THE TAKING OF THE DRUG ITSELF WHICH ENSURES THE CAPTURE OF THEIR NEW, PERMANENTLY HOOKED AND PROFITABLE CLIENT.
BUT THE PSYCHO-PHARMACEUTICAL FRATERNITY ALSO KNOW THIS, and so don't just give a few free samples to capture their permanent and profitable clients.  THEY EQUALLY INDULGE IN MASSIVE PROFESSIONAL DIS-INFORMATION, WHILST USING THE U.K. NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE TO PROVIDE ADDICTS WITH A FREE SUPPLY FOR LIFE – for which the psycho-pharms get paid by the N.H.S., which gets paid by the Chancellor, who demands payment from U.K. taxpayers !

Currently, there are 7.4% of the British adult population (over 15 years of age) which are daily and multi-daily drug addicts, a total of some 4 million U.K. citizens of which nearly one million are addicted to illicit drugs and nearly three million addicted to prescription drugs supplied by the N.H.S. - none of which citizens contribute to our Gross Domestic Product, but instead live off the productivity of the rest of the society.

But the truth, suppressed by the psycho-pharms, is that for 50 years in 49 countries an international group of self-help addiction recovery training charities known as Narconon® has been proving that 70+% of addicts can, on Narconon's 13 week residential programme, be fully recovered to the natural state of lasting abstinence into which 95% of the population is born.

To learn about the billions of taxpayer £pounds and millions of British lives this would save, OR, to dispute the above data, you may like to phone Ken Eckersley on
(01342) 810151.  Ken is available most days between 11.00am and 9.00pm.

are sponsored by the Society for an Addiction Free Europe.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Providing Relaxed Escape From Involuntary Drug Addiction.


It has taken 68 years for the psychiatric and pharmaceutical fraternity to convert some 2.4 Million of our population into profitably prescribed daily pill-popping patients, and keep them that way.

Whether they are on continuous medication to ‘manage’ sickness, disease, anxiety, dementia, pain, a habit or behaviour, etc., except for pain-killers, the factor which keeps them demanding their daily supplies is seldom, if ever, the problem for which their drugs were originally prescribed.

In well over 90+% of cases that problem disappeared in the first month or so of “treatment” and did so because, in the same way that bruises, cuts, scratches, burns, fevers, pimples, indigestion, headaches, colds, sunburn, and a host of other physical ailments and injuries naturally heal or cure themselves, so also do losses, anxieties, worries, shocks, rage, fears and other depressing emotional conditions also naturally diminish and fade away – except in circumstances where some suppressive factor such as addiction imposes itself on the individual’s life.

Human minds and bodies are designed to be naturally self-repairing and, when allowed to do so without interference but with good understanding, make an incredibly brilliant job of it.

In the same way that we use “First Aid” to keep an injury clean and protected to minimise additional physical harm factors and to allow our natural healing powers to operate, so also are there mental first aid factors in the form of “Emotional Assists” which anyone can learn to apply to themselves and to others.

But to give nature time to take its course, one has to be ready to maintain a “stiff upper lip” or “grin and bear it” for a short while.   This is because pain is a vital form of communication between the person and his or her body, and the 'residual pain' from an injury or the 'temporary anxiety' from a loss, are nature’s way of reporting the progress of healing and ensuring that we do not overstress that body part or emotional area until healing is complete.

But why should you EVER have to “suffer” even for a short while” say the overly “kind” and “pseudo sympathetic” MEDICATION SALESMEN, “when we can make life so nice for you with our ever growing “choice” of prescriptions”.

And what they offer amongst other “immediate benefits” (i.e. quick-fixes), are symptom based pain-killers, sleeping pills, tranquillisers, soporifics, stimulants and other prescription medication – a majority of which can be habit forming or addictive and often also have hypnotic qualities which can permit command factors in the environment to exercise control over our decisions and actions.

In effect, instead of permitting and encouraging natural self-healing, they seek to take control of our bodies, minds and emotions during the early stages of healing, by cutting off our communications to-and-from our injuries and whilst there is little doubt that in some cases this can “appear” to be of comfort, it is not of help to the actual healing process.

Unfortunately, what many of their prescriptions do, is to eliminate some of the useful natural pain and minor discomfort in the early healing stages immediately following injury or loss.   Valuable sensations designed to inform us of healing progress or lack thereof in respect of our injuries or emotional disorders.

And, because many of those prescriptions are poison based, they can at the same time create conditions for far worse problems to arise in the not too distant future.

From the point of view of a self-healing body or mind, interfering with what that body and mind is trying to do to promote its natural healing, is the unnecessary imposing of some profit making chemical control factor on its operation which, (especially when the prescribed substance is addictive and hypnotic), can become increasingly and permanently suppressive in regard to the individual’s future lifestyle, progress, happiness and survival potential.

TOO EARLY an application of a painkiller or tranquilliser (which, like so many such substances are addictive and / or hypnotic) leads to a permanent addictive demand for and usage of that substance, because the crushing “cold turkey” effects of withdrawal from the drug can often be much greater than the temporary minor pains and discomforts which the body and mind ask us to confront and bear with, as part of the initial stages of natural healing.

Pharmaceuticals and their psychiatric marketeers know that addiction to any substance is the best possible factor ensuring that the user will be a permanent consumer of that substance.  And they also know that the main continuation factor (rather than being a desire for a “high”) is the user’s decidedly unpleasant experience of, and fear of, the cold turkey effects they all suffer whenever they try to stop. But, instead of blaming their profit orientated product, the psycho-pharms prefer to falsely blame the user for seeking the “high”.

Of course, patients naturally try to stop using, because of the many and varied side-effects which can be created by even minimum usage of any toxic or unnatural poisonous substance.  Such side-effects can include diarrhoea, vomiting, drowsiness, constipation, insomnia, cramps, aches, dizziness, exhaustion, loss of sleep, anxiety and many other factors varying from user to user.

But when they try slamming on the brakes in the hope of safely stopping their increasingly debilitating addiction, the resultant cold turkey effects can be far more devastating than the drug created side-effects they are trying to get rid of.

As a result they then unfortunately and uncomfortably have to try to learn to live with such side-effects as well as their daily drug dosages.

From the above, it will be seen that the real problem in regard to helping the millions of involuntary addicts quit their habit and avoid the side-effects of their medication is the fact that the pharmaceutical industry (which is well equipped to sponsor and help gradual withdrawal procedures) is the very same commercial operation which has as its main goal the procurement of increasing usage of as many as possible of their addictive products by an increasing number of people year after year.

Consequently, so-called “self-regulation” by the psycho-pharms is NEVER ever going to produce a better result than the time wasting, smarmy, “medication-sustaining” justifying and excusing lip-service to which politicians have been subjected over the last 68 years by big-pharma marketing men.

These manipulative ploys have included, amongst others:
a) the whole countrywide 65 years of “never-ever-intended-to-cureOpioid Substitution Therapy (methadone, etc.),
b) the five years incestuous “National Treatment Outcome Research Study” of psychiatric “treatments” - conducted by psychiatrists themselves WITHOUT final useful report of the failure of such psychiatric cure-by-treatment results - and,
c) the recent failed 4 year psychiatric “piloting” of “Payment by Results” in the drug recovery sector, which has deliberately aborted implementation of the Coalition’s brilliant 2010 and still current Drugs Strategy, simply because treating drug addiction WITH drugs doesn’t cure and never can !

As a result of these persistent psycho-pharm efforts to avoid any reduction in the increasingly vast numbers of U.K. citizen’s addicted to their products, it is vital that “Reduction of Involuntary Addiction” is (for obvious reasons) conducted as a separate government initiative which does not involve psychiatrists and only peripherally involves pharmacists – under TIGHT regulation and legislation.

Proposals are therefore set out as follows
for the formation by the Government of:
a special national & local recovery department for involuntarily addicted patients – totally independent of psychiatry and pharmacology.

Obviously, together, every involuntary addict who stops taking an average of over 1,095 expensive medical drug doses a year will create a saving more than enough to pay for the whole WASH Teams scheme.


Over the last 60 plus years of so-called “patient management” by long-term prescription medication, the pharmaceutical companies, and their psychiatric and medical marketing arms have developed the pill-popping treatments of our NHS into a nearly unstoppable “health service” methodology, whereby just abruptly stopping the prescribing of any drug to the millions of its present users is calculated to cause chaotic protest, and thus ensure that demand for their products continues.

BUT, the definition of an “EFFECTIVE DRUGS POLICY” is one which continuously moves a society or community in the direction of TOTAL ABSTINENCE -  i.e. it is not a society totally without drugs, but is a society whose policy is to continuously move our communities towards becoming a society FREE OF ADDICTION and addictive drug supply and consumption.

And the action needed to progress towards that is NOT just to stop dead all the current prescribing of existing patients under such management ‘treatment’.


1) Stop expanding the current list of patients being prescribed medical substances in respect ONLY of symptoms. i.e. allow no new consumers of such substances to be prescribed by any psychiatrists or other physicians until laboratory testing and full CAUSE diagnosis has been completed and sufficient time for any initial physical or mental trauma has elapsed, to permit the natural healing processes to start taking effect.

In other words, stop increasing the total of N.H.S. patients solely on palliative pharmaceutical treatment based on prescribing for the handling of symptoms rather than seeking the underlying cause of the symptom(s) - such as allergies, dietary deficiencies and excesses, or undiagnosed injuries or infections, etc. Depending on the nature of their patient’s trauma this will likely be a non-prescribing period of from 1 to 4 weeks.

2) To handle the existing 2.4 million involuntarily addicted NHS patients each costing U.K. taxpayers an average of some £1,095 per year, recruit and train a total nationwide force of say 2,000 Involuntary Medication Addiction Withdrawal Advisory Services & Help “Recovery Managers”, spread across every local county area.  Each authorised and trained (amongst other duties) to determine the sizes of and to supply “step-down” dosages of the medications to which their clients are already daily addicted, each Recovery Manager costing around £1,500 to recruit, pay and train over a two week period.

3) Provide each IMAWASH Recovery Manager with a small motor vehicle and a local client group of 32 N.H.S. addicts to manage towards, and to bring to full, abstinence, over an average period of 20 weeks per patient, thus allowing each Recovery Manager to withdraw 80 current addicts per year, over a period of 48 working weeks.   (N.B. 80 recovered addicts together thereafter save £87,600 per year for each abstinent year they live.)

Whilst (inclusive of G.P. consultation, dispensing, admin & collection time, etc.) the current cost to the Exchequer of providing and delivering 3 to 4 doses a day of those drugs to which patients have become involuntarily addicted can likely be higher, for the examples given here, we have taken an all inclusive cost of only £1.00 per dose and only 3 doses a day. i.e. a minimum cost to the N.H.S. of £1,095 per year per patient, which includes not only the actual drug supply but also their 7 to 21 day interviewing, prescribing, dispensing and collecting time and effort, etc.

On the other hand, up to 20 weeks of an average of two to three times a week 30 minute visits to each withdrawing patient (i.e. 16 visits a day per Manager inclusive of travel time) by a trained IMAWASH Manager will cost under £500 per cured addict, even if the IMAWASH Recovery Manager follows up on a once a month basis for three months after each patient is fully withdrawn.

With a) an annual total cost per IMAWASH Recovery Manager of £40,000 (£26,000 of which is salary), b) a current U.K. involuntarily addicted client list of over 2,400,000, and with c) each IMAWASH Manager also creating pure savings of over £47,600 per year by d) each withdrawing 80 clients a year, we would need e) 2,000 trained IMAWASH Managers to cure the present list of involuntary addicts in 16 years.      (This long length of time is a clear indication of the size of the problem.)

Whilst doing this, those 2,000 Recovery Managers would together SAVE the U.K. Taxpayers (over and above the £40,000 it costs to fund each manager's work area) £47,600 per year so that in the whole 16 years (assuming no new patients become involuntarily addicted) there would be a saving of over £1.5223 BILLION.

In other words, the indicated WASH involuntarily addicted recovery programme, whilst curing N.H.S. patients, will not only pay the full cost of running its own department and programme, but will also make a healthy additional contribution to the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s Treasury.

HOW MANY OTHER N.H.S. SPONSORED INITIATIVES CAN DO THAT ?      And what should we do with that huge level of savings each year ?

And the answer is provided by the Government's own National Audit Bureau, which tells us that EVERY SINGLE ONE of the country's N.H.S. supplied prescription methadone and other OST users costs the Chancellor of the Exchequer (and thus the U.K. Taxpayers) over £47,000 per annum per methadone addict for an average of 40 years. (Other university studies show that p.a. sum to be closer to £60,000.)

Of the nearly 200,000 currently prescribed methadone and other O.S.T. users, we know from statistics of the last 50 years that the Narconon® self-help residential addiction recovery training programme, when presented with enrolment groups of 4 addicts, can help 65+% cure themselves on a 13 week residential programme costing £39,000 per addict on a Payment by Results full 12 months lasting abstinence basis (and only £9,000 per addict B&B+toiletry charge if no period of abstinence whatsoever is achieved in 26 weeks, i.e. twice through the programme).

As a result, on a Payment by Results basis the above 16 year £1.53 Billion saving could pay for the curing of 39,000 current methadone users, thus saving the Chancellor another £114,562 each year for 16 years.

This progression based on saving £47,000 per addict at a cost of only £39,000 per addict will see the present total of methadone (OST) addicts reduced from the current 200,000 to zero in 16 years - funded by IMAWASH Recovery Managers.

And at that point, the Government could then afford to additionally start curing the illicitly addicted users of amphetamines, cannabis, cocaine, crack, ecstasy, heroin and skunk, etc.

The main point of this paper is to emphasize that it very provably costs the Chancellor of the Exchequer (and UK Taxpayers) much much more TO MAINTAIN both legal involuntary and illicit recreational addicts in their addictions - than it does TO PERMANENTLY CURE them on a Payment by Results residential self-help addiction recovery training basis.

The years it will take to reach a nearly addiction free society is an indication of the size and seriousness of the current problem, and the necessity for starting now to implement policies based on training addicts to responsibly help themselves instead of the current psycho-pharmaceutically profitable lifelong addictive prescribing of daily dosages in the name of “habit management”.

Currently, that half of our population directly responsible for our Gross National Product, actually carries the 7% of the U.K. population who are addicted, and who are thus a none productive burden on the rest.

Returning only 5 of that 7% to the natural state of relaxed abstinence into which 99% of the population is born – will revolutionise our economy, and help avoid further austerity.


Because the pharmaceutical industry 1) does not want to lose its over 2,400,000 profitable involuntary addicts to which it supplies some 7.2 Million doses of addictive medication EACH AND EVERY DAY, and 2) because it does not want to lose its 200,000 profitable methadone and other O.S.T. addicts to which it supplies a further 200,000 doses of addictive medication EACH AND EVERY DAY, pharmaceutical companies are EXTREMELY reluctant to widely and cheaply supply the small enough “step- down” dosages of the opioid painkillers, benzodiazepines, “z” drugs and others needed to make the above economic withdrawal from involuntary drug addiction into a workable and working national programme.

Obviously we would be stupid to expect the psycho-pharms to voluntarily kill off the geese which lay them golden eggs in terms of daily involuntary addiction consumption and methadone daily dose consumption.

As a result, it will require some very simple and straightforward new legislation to ensure that they toe-the-line and thus make possible a U.K. economy which is no longer the European nation with more addiction than other E.U. member countries.

Whilst there is ALWAYS some minor discomfort in a reduction or step-down system of withdrawal from medical drug dependency, we know that the vast majority of patients can, with proper management, tolerate and succeed with 14 day step down reductions of not more than 7.5% of their current daily dosages.  However, a relative few will have a back-off from confronting reductions greater than 5% or even 2.5%, and will therefore need to be handled on those lower percentage dosage reductions.

Therefore, very approximately we are looking at 20 x 7 day reductions of 5%, or 14 x 10 day reductions of 7.5%.

Taking 100 as the established multi-daily dosage, this can be done by insisting that a manufacturer or distributor may in future only be licensed to produce a 100 mg tablet, PROVIDED he also produces a 50, a 25, a 10, a 5 and a 2.5 mg tablet, and these dose sizes equally apply to both powder and liquid capsules.

This short range of only five step-down dose sizes allows the dispensing to the patient of the whole range of dosages from 100mg, to 97.5, to 95, to 92.5, to 90, to 87.5, to 85, and on down to 10, 7.5, 5 and 2.5mgs.  In fact, when in tablet form, a 100mg tablet can be cut in half or into quarters, but the 10, 5 and 2.5 mg sizes are needed to compete the whole step-down range based on 5% and 2.5% reductions.

Encapsulated doses are not divisible and so necessitate production of all five step-down dose sizes, but simple liquid dosages should be capable of being measured out and dispensed at every dosage level, inclusive of injected liquid doses.

(Where the established multi-daily dose is other than 100, the same principle would be followed based on the established originally recommended dose size.)

All it requires is the earnest cooperation, or lawful coercion of the pharmaceutical industry to solve the problem of addiction to their products, which alone – create every day, every week, every month and every year, the increasing dependency of more and more of our citizens, and thus the ruination of our economy and society.

No-one can become addicted to a drug or medication they never take, because it is the drugs themselves which cause & maintain addiction.

And remember, we mainly decide to try or take drugs only because
we are wrongly advised or persuaded, or
are otherwise led to believe that they will solve a personal problem.


So DEMAND REDUCTION relies, not on “prevention” but entirely on
making cures available . . . .
and that can be done on a Payment by Results basis in 65+% of cases.

For further information you may wish to phone (01342) 810151 or 811099,
any weekday after 11.00am and before 9,00pm.

Society for an Addiction Free Europe,
a not-for-profit group formed in 1975.
