Monday, 19 March 2018





Solutions to problems are intended to make things better.  But a wrong solution can only make things worse.

And that is the case with psychiatric theories and so-called "treatments", which were developed over the last 150 years by EXPERIMENTING ON millions of mice, rats, Pavlov's dogs, other laboratory animals, near dead concentration camp prisoners and already mentally incapacitated patients in insane asylums.

Seldom if ever by STUDYING healthy cooperative Human Beings, knowingly themselves capable of sane actions and responses !

Psychiatry occupies its controlling position in "Mental Health" solely because it was essentially The First in that field.  However, it continues in control of government Mental Health policies not because it cures but because of its excellent & widespread P.R. plus the mysterious nomenclature with which it has surrounded the mental processes of Man, AND the overt but mainly covert vicious attacks it has continuously launched against natural healing and any new or superior Mental Health science likely to expose psychiatry's gross failings.

Although before the 1800s we had shamans, witch-doctors, sorcerers and sages advising us on emotional and mental matters, it was ailing Wilhelm Wundt (born 1832) who became known as the father of psychology / psychiatry, and in whom Otto von Bismarck, the Iron Chancellor showed interest, mainly because of that Duke's desire for population control.

Followed by Pavlov 1849, Freud 1856, Adler 1870, Jung 1875 and Ellis and others, the theories and technology of psychiatry began to be developed on the grossly mistaken assumption that Man is "just another animal apparently with a superior brain", which puts him in charge of the planet.

No acknowledgement of the centuries-long belief held by 90+% of the world population that a Human Being has or is an eternal Soul, and no recognition of the obvious fact that Man has an Analytical Mind, capable of Comparing and Differentiation in addition to Animals' sole mental "Identification" ability.

In other words, no understanding that Man, even though like most animals operating a flesh and blood body, is an entirely separate and superior species.
i.e. he is the rider and not the horse.

Nevertheless, over the last century and a half, allied with the wealthy pharmaceutical industry, psychiatry has developed an extremely expert combination of physical "treatments", mainly 1) with addictive drugs and E.C.T., plus 2) Public and Press Relations, and 3) black propaganda against other possible Mental Health science - all of which has kept politicians and other decision-makers wary of leaping from the obvious psychiatric frying-pan into what they have been cleverly duped into believing might be the fire.

However, an apparent NEED for Mental Health services is continuously being created by a) the abject failure of psychiatrists to deliver real and actual cures, b) their invention of "new" Mental Health conditions by labelling numerous facets of normal behaviour as "disorders", c) their increased condemning of so-called Mental Health patients to lifelong addictive drug "treatments", and, d) having their patients' consequent drugged and zombie-like condition labelled as further proof of disorder, demanding further psychiatric "treatment".

One major result is the wholesale conversion of millions of elderly N.H.S. patients to involuntary drug addicts, including those on pain-killers, those on anti-depressants, and the four million on benzos, and anti-psychotics etc., costing £12 million a day just to keep them addicted for no other reason than the fact that they are drug addicts !

As a result, addiction to prescribed medical drugs is at least a six times bigger problem than addiction to criminally supplied illicit drugs which - in many cases - are easier and quicker to recover from than the more powerful medical drugs.

Nevertheless, politicians have been manipulated into believing that the much smaller and easier to cure illicit drugs are the problem we should "make war on", whilst the daily supplies of legal psycho-pharmaceutical drugs should be paid for by British taxpayers via the Exchequer and the N.H.S.

No wonder the N.H.S. keeps overspending and is short of funds for everything other than addictive drug supplies. Because, promoted and backed by psychiatry, the pharmaceutical companies are making £Billions and £billions out of U.K. taxpayers.

Even so, in April of 2017, the President of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) was arrogant enough to issue an unprecedented warning to the Government that many U.K. based drug companies will consider abandoning Britain if the N.H.S. does not start to receive an extra £20 BILLION a year - for spending on even more prescription drugs than the current £Multi-billions.

IF - in terms of health - this was justifiable it would make sense, and so should be done.  But better mental health is not the reason.  The reason is that ABPI members want more turnover and profit, and the easy and inexpensive way of achieving this is to irresistibly addict as many patients as possible to psycho-pharmaceutical products which they MUST then have EVERY DAY solely to avoid devastating cold-turkey withdrawal effects.

This is part of the psycho-pharmaceutical fraternity's over-arching goal - which is: to make daily addictive drug taking as normal and commonplace as breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea and coffee.  Just as the tobacco growers did with smoking and the brewers, vintners and distillers have done with alcohol.

NOW, with the elderly population already captured to the tune of four million N.H.S. daily drug addicted patients, the obvious next target is - OUR YOUNGSTERS.


a) because it is extremely difficult for patients or their families to argue with psychiatrists and psychiatrically trained G.Ps about the diagnosing of "Mental Disorders". and,

b) because 150 years of psychiatric "treatment" proves beyond doubt that its animal researched theories, when applied to the quite different and superior flesh and blood species known as Human Beings, do infinitely more harm than good, and so provide even more opportunities for prescribing profitable addictive drugs to more and more patients.

Whilst the pharmaceutical industry has long provided many excellent and much needed physical health services to our population and goes on so doing, it was the 1952 publication by the American Psychiatric Association of their first edition of their infamous "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" which was used to convince the pharmaceutical industry that there might well be another large prescription market which psychiatry could (profitably) help them access at absolutely minimum marketing cost.

As (in order to appease the ABPI) Jeremy Hunt's current drug dissemination target appears to be another 4 or 5 million involuntarily addicted N.H.S. patients, we can expect the N.H.S. spending on taxpayer funded DAILY drug prescriptions to increase by up to another £12 to £15 million A DAY if the Secretary of State for Health's currently proposed legislation for "Transforming Children and Young People's Mental Health Provision" is approved.

But worse still. Primary school, secondary school, high school, grammar school, academy, college and university students on ADHD and other addictive prescription drugs are not only already proven to be poorer students than those NOT so treated.  They are also proven to be far more likely to follow a lifetime of addiction not just to more prescription drugs, but also to street drugs or alcohol, after their school / university education is finished.

Another aspect of the psycho-pharmaceutical plot to profit magnificently from the U.K. National Health Service is "The Society for the Study of Addiction" beautifully presented monthly magazine "ADDICTION" which for 134 years has published thousands of articles, papers, briefings, conference reports and treatise, etc., extolling in excruciating detail the varieties, problems and dangers of SUBSTANCE ADDICTION, its mental health side-effects, how it might be claimed to be "incurable", and why it must be "managed" (i.e. continued) on a daily basis with equally addictive "substitute" prescription drugs.

In addition, the Preface to the 2017 edition of the Department of Health "Orange Book" entitled: "Drug Misuse and Dependence", is written by the Director of the "NATIONAL ADDICTION CENTRE" Professor Sir John Strang, and that "Book" purports to be a set of U.K. guidelines on clinical "management" of Drug Misuse and Dependence.

As its name quite blatantly implies, the "National Addiction Centre" is dedicated to the legal addicting of our nation !   Which is why it doesn't say "Anti-Addiction" Centre.).  Incredible ?  YES.  Which is why the Centre can get away with its intentions - because they are unbelievable !

As soon as anyone speaks of drug "misuse", you immediately know they are blaming  the addict for his or her dependent condition, when in fact the vast majority of drug addicts are victims of ruthless marketing policies deliberately contrived to create irresistible demand for addictive substances.

At no point in any one of its 313 pages does this Department of Health publication speak of actually CURING addiction.  Nor does it speak of INVOLUNTARY ADDICTION or of RECOVERY, except on the last two pages of the book in the last chapter headed "A8: Glossary".

That glossary defines a drug only as "a psychoactive substance used ILLICITLY or ILLEGALLY", but fails to make any mention whatsoever of similar LEGALLY prescribed drugs which are in many cases far more addictive and destructive of users' lives than criminally smuggled street drugs.

Furthermore, that glossary goes out of its way to deliberately trash the whole concept of RECOVERY, when in fact there is a very straightforward and viable definition as follows:

"Recovery is a lasting return to the natural state of relaxed abstinence into which 99% of the population is born", and it has been delivered since 1966.

In essence, this DoH Book which purports to guide the British Government on the handling of substance addiction, is nothing more nor less than yet another beautifully presented and executed P.R. publication intended to promote psychiatrists and the pharmaceutical industry as the sole authorities on addiction in order to reserve the highly profitable "treatment" (not cure) sector exclusively for the psycho-pharms.

Psychiatrists must be stopped before they turn our society into a nation of daily addictive drug users, unable to function without supplies and therefore at the mercy of unscrupulous politicians and distributors of life controlling substances.

Stop Jeremy Hunt's plan for damagingly and disasterously putting prescribing psychiatrists into every school, so that they may ensure more and more addictive control of our youth which he calls "Transforming Children's & Young People's Mental Health Provision" !

This Briefing Comes From:


the U.K.

Society for an Addiction Free Existence.

Phone: (01342) 811099. E-mail:

Thursday, 1 March 2018





Brexit and the border between the Northern and Southern parts of the island of Ireland are a problem only because two so-called Christian countries have decided it is totally impossible to treat their neighbours with Christian love.

What an appalling lesson in bigotry and false benevolence this reveals to everybody, and most damagingly to children everywhere struggling to make sense of and understand this new life they have only a few years earlier been born into.

If the Irish were truly Christian enough to live together as one national Irish country, then that Irish Nation could decide for itself whether it wanted to be part of the European Union or part of the United Kingdom, and the current border problem and all "the troubles" could be allowed to disappear together.

All the rights and wrongs of political and economic life on the island of Ireland appear to depend on the minor religious differences between the Church of Rome and the Church of England and the other Protestant Christian beliefs.

But the demonstrated actuality of differences between North and South reveals that those minor differences in Christian beliefs are only an apparency, and that it is the often selfish nature of many individuals that merely uses vague religious considerations as an excuse to parade and uphold their political, social, economic and personal preferences at any price and at every opportunity.

(We have similar usage of a devastating set of minor religious interpretations creating death and destruction in the Middle East, were Sunni Muslims hate and kill Shiite Muslims and vice versa, to gain political, social and economic precedence over the other.)

I am not absolutely certain if they have a different Ten Commandments in Belfast to the Ten they have in Dublin, but am rather sure they don't.

So what degree or level of hypocrisy are both sides practising for their own personal or their own community's ends ?

If both sorts of Christian Confessional and their practice of "penitence" actually worked, this situation would already have been resolved.

But if I am wrong, then the best way for both sides to prove me wrong is for them to get together as one Nation on their own island of Ireland.

The Country of Ireland - populated by all those lovely Irish People - Together !


