Even after the introduction of increasing numbers of armed officers and electric Tasers, British Police still have the reputation of being the most helpful in the world, when it comes to their relationships with the general public.
But it is not generally known that, whilst the Police must at all times operate within U.K. law, a huge body of increasingly non-English Psychiatrists have broader powers than the Police to detain and lock up individuals without trial IF a Psychiatrist happens to "think" that the person he is "sectioning" (i.e. locking up & drugging) "might" be mentally disordered - which can mean one of a few hundred scientifically UN-Proven conditions basically invented by Psychiatrists.
Psychiatrists and psychologists rely for these powers on the Mental Health Act 1983, without which they would be guilty of kidnapping and assaulting individuals both physically and mentally, and it is significant that that threatening Act was essentially put together by psychiatrists and psychologists to protect individual "psychs" from prosecution for their actions. But, with a smile they say it was "to protect patients" !
In Britain, Psychiatrists are basically our non-political S.S. & Gestapo, with powers far greater than any other British authority to command the lives and freedom of our citizens, and in carrying out their "sectioning" (arresting), incarcerating (imprisoning), drugging, electric shocking and brain operating (crippling), they are even empowered to call upon the Police for assistance !
You didn't know this ?
That's because they don't want everybody to know, in case the British voters might decide to take away the terrible and fearful powers which are exercised by psychs over 1,000 times every week - over 5 times every hour of every 24 hours, 142 times every single day ! Just in England and Wales ! With even more in Northern Ireland and Scotland !
Instead, they go on promoting and increasing the number of mainly invented Mental Disorders in order to keep us all fearful of "mental health problems" which, they falsely claim, only Psychiatry and Psychiatrists understand.
But why would they do this ?
Simply, for the age old purpose of gaining power over others - mainly in order to make lots of money.
When 60 odd years ago, the numbers of British physicians willing to study an obviously failing psychiatric pseudo-science started to dwindle, the American and German bosses of international Psychiatry chose to enrol increasing numbers of third-world university and medical college students (understandably and desperately seeking qualifications and a professional income) to study and become Psychiatrists, working closely with the Pharmaceutical industry to produce massive daily addictive drugs production, sales turnover, profits, dividends, salaries, fee incomes and bonuses - plus the possibility of escaping their third-world status !
Really a brilliant strategy - but only of value to Mankind IF the psychiatric procedures they are taught were capable of improving Man's Mental Health - which is seldom if ever the case !
The reason it does not and cannot improve Man's mental health, is because, with the exception of abusive researches done by Psychiatrists on the prisoners in Nazi concentration camps, psychiatric research has overwhelmingly been carried out on millions of rats, mice, Pavlov's dogs and other laboratory animals.
And, although Psychiatry claims that Man is just another flesh and blood animal with a superior Brain, it is very easy to prove that whilst animals do have a Brain and a Reactive Mind, Man ADDITIONALLY HAS an Analytical mind, PLUS being a Spiritual Being known by billions around the World as a SOUL.
So, the Minds and Souls which are part of Man, and NOT part of Animals, are totally ignored and denied by Psychiatry, and Man thus becomes treated by Psychiatry as if we are the same as rats, mice, Pavlov's dogs & other animals which demonstrably WE ARE NOT !
No wonder Psychiatry doesn't work, except to damage the Analytical Minds and Souls that are the most vital parts of Man.
Psychiatry occupies its position as the "experts" on human mental disorders solely because psychiatric theories - BASED ON ANIMAL RESEARCH - were FIRST on the mental health scene - being investigated by men like Wilhelm Wundt under the patronage of the "iron" Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, as a means, amongst other things, of controlling population.
Described as the "father" of psychology and psychiatry, he was born nearly two centuries ago in 1823 in Leipzig, Germany, and, is acknowledged as the major influence on other researchers such as Pavlov 1849, Freud 1856, Adler 1870, Jung 1875, Ellis and others, all of whom have contributed to the assorted and often opposing views and damaging practices of clinical psychology and psychiatry as we know them today.
But being "first" on the mental health scene does not make Psychiatry the "best", and certainly does not make it the most "modern" and "effective". Quite the reverse in fact with: "DIANETICS® - The Modern Science of Mental Health" today the most widely used and efficient mental health technology in the world.
But with Psychiatrists still in all our U.K. Government advisory posts, and decision-making positions in the Civil Service, the chances of our having a sane and viable approach to Mental Health and the abandoning in the near future of addictive drugging of millions of patients / victims - is very slim.
Especially as those same government advising psychiatrists continue every single day with their lying condemnation of L. Ron Hubbard's phenomenal works, and with their seduction and conning of the Royal Family into supporting Psychiatric interventions and treatments.
That manipulation of the young Royal Family has simply been achieved by exposing to the family, all Psychiatry's quite real problems, and then pretending that they exist because Psychiatry - in its guise as "Mental Health" - needs more support and financing to succeed.
But NO !
Psychiatric Animal based Mental Health needs abandoning and completely replacing with less costly, more effective and caring Dianetics Mental Health technology for Mankind - which is increasingly available around the World.
This Blog researched and Published by
Society for an Addiction Free Existence
P.S. Phone (01342) 811099 if you would like to study for a qualification in:
The Modern Science of Mental Health - "DIANETICS®" by L. Ron Hubbard.