Thursday 5 July 2018





During a recent psychiatric conference held in Birmingham, attention was drawn to an organisation called the "Citizen's Commission on Human Rights" (CCHR) which is continuously campaigning against U.K. "psychiatric brutality".

Whilst there appear to be numerous "human rights" organisations covering rape, homosexuality, religion, women's rights, disabled people, children's rights and LGBT, etc., etc., this CCHR campaign for Human Rights Covers The Field Of Mental Health - as supposedly delivered by Psychiatrists in this country and many others.

One might well ask "why" there is a need for Human Rights in regard to Psychiatry, until - like CCHR - you look into the historical background of Psychiatry's technical development AND what Psychiatrists regularly do to our human U.K. population TODAY - here and now in 2018.

For example, although mainly hidden from public knowledge, every working day of the year someone in the British Isles is subjected to E.C.T. (Electro Convulsive so-called "Therapy"). During this process, over a few days, high voltage, severe and continuous electric shocks are repeatedly passed through a patient's head, in the mistaken belief that the brain IS the person and that these shocks will somehow change that person's "disordered" mental condition.

And of course the shocks do make changes. But, for those who survive, it is never in the direction of improved control, freedom and enjoyment of their life. It is instead in the direction of compliance, docility and a fawning desire to please, rather than a desire to set and achieve their own personal goals.

Other brain orientated psychiatric theories lead to leucotomy "procedures" and pre-frontal lobotomy invasive brain operations, involving drilling holes in the skull, removing parts of the brain and even cutting one part of the brain away from the rest.

Whilst these brutalities continue to be carried out on practically all age groups, they are actually only a small part of the pain, discomfort and involuntary addiction inflicted on millions of N.H.S. patients as a result of psychiatrically directed diagnosing of so-called "Mental Disorders" and the daily prescribing of addictive drugs for various excuses.

Addictive drugs which need no further marketing or selling once the irresistible patient demand they generate for the next dose is established very simply - by consumption of the first few doses.

The "patient" then becomes the "victim" of uncomfortable "side-effects", and when they try to stop using their "medical" drugs, they then also become victims of extremely painful and distressing "cold turkey" withdrawal symptoms powerful enough to inflict ACTUAL BODILY HARM on the individual which can only be relieved by another dose of the same addictive drug.

But unfortunately that "relieving" dose, then becomes the cause of the next bouts of side-effects and "cold turkey" withdrawal bodily harms and terrors - which continue the addiction ad infinitum.


The tobacco industry have long made smoking their (addictive) products an everyday part of life for millions. For centuries, the brewers, vintners and distillers have made daily (addictive) alcohol consumption a "normal" part of socialising and life for a majority of the adult population.

NOW, the psycho-pharms want to make prescribed (addictive) drug-taking for every age group, just as commonplace as breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea and coffee - and have even already arranged for their drugs to be supplied to everybody and paid for - by the Government !

And making these hugely profitable irresistibly addictive marketing strategies possible, is the absurd psychiatric view of Mankind that Human Beings are no more than a flesh and blood animal who luckily happens to be possessed of a brain which is supposedly superior to the brains possessed by the so-called "rest of the animal kingdom".

But when did Psychiatry start to get these ridiculous ideas ?

150 years ago - starting with Wilhelm Wundt, born in 1832, and considered as the "father of psychiatry", and continued by Pavlov, 1849, Freud 1856, Adler 1870, Jung 1875 and Ellis and others, all of whom have contributed to the assorted and often opposing views and practices of clinical psychology, psycho-therapy and psychiatry as we know them today.

And how and from where did these early "psychs" get their ideas ?

Nearly exclusively from earlier and current research and experiments on millions of mice, rats, Pavlov's dogs, other laboratory animals, half-dead Nazi concentration camp prisoners and already insane asylum inmates.

i.e. Mainly from animalistic experimental research subjects they could only "observe", but seldom if ever communicate with in any normal manner, about their lives, thoughts, behaviour, experiences, goals, successes and failures, etc., etc.

But modern non-psychiatric scientific investigation of mental health phenomena has been done - not on animals - but with the cooperation of thousands of sentient human beings of all sexual persuasions, skin colours, ethnic origins and religious beliefs, etc.

As a result, it has been recognised beyond doubt that Man, although like animals also equipped with a flesh and blood body and a brain, is in fact an entirely different species of "being". A species equipped with and controlled by an immortal soul recognised by 90+% of all world religions, plus an ability not possessed by animals - i.e. the ability to compute on an analytical basis which renders Man (often with a smaller, weaker and slower physical body than most beasts) superior to and in command of, the "animal kingdom".

However, by studying and experimenting only on animals plus already nearly defunct human beings, psychiatry has arrived at the totally false belief that Man IS an animal and that - like animals - Man has no "soul" and no "mind", and thus, like animals, is possessed only of a set of stimulus-response mechanisms which govern his living and which have to be regularly re-enforced in respect of his "behaviour" with the help of "treatments" - mainly in the form of addictive daily prescription drug dosages.

This is confirmed in the book: “A DICTIONARY OF THE MIND, BRAIN AND BEHAVIOUR” (ISBN 0 09 918070 7), by well known international lecturer and broadcasting Doctor of Psychology Chris Evans (who has over 100 scientific and technical papers to his name) and who provides us with what he terms “a basic introduction to the terms and ideas central to psychology” and psychiatry, and “a clear, invaluable source of reference for students”.

Whilst standard Oxford and Cambridge English dictionaries tell us that “mental” means “appertaining to the mind”, and that “mental health” defines the working condition of a person’s mind, it is clear that neither psychiatry nor psychology can provide a working definition of what “the mind” itself is.

Evans’ authoritative psych dictionary says:

At one time the mind was equated with soul or spirit and assumed to be the conscious “control mechanism” for the body and qualitatively different from it.  Freud’s ideas complicated this picture by introducing the disturbing notion of the power of the ‘unconscious’, which downgraded the status of the mind’s conscious component.   Pavlov and the Behaviourist School further eroded its significance by eliminating the concept of mind from all experimental and theoretical considerations, and criticising anyone who dared use the word (“mind”) for being ‘mystical’ or ‘unscientific’.

Today, whilst few psychologists think of mind as a spiritual entity separable from the brain and body, most now accept that the richness and reality of mental life cannot be denied and that a place must be found for the word “MIND” in comprehensive theories of human behaviour”.   (Please note well: only for the "word" and not for the existence of this human feature.) (Comment and BOLD and underline emphasis added)

In other words, psychiatric mental health procedures have no definition or agreed upon concept of the human feature called “MIND” – which nevertheless they claim to be practising on as our self-proclaimed ‘experts’ on “MENTAL HEALTH”, but in which the vast majority in fact accept only the body part called "brain", and do not at all recognise the existence of the spiritual Human Mind or Soul !

Would you employ a mechanic who could not tell you the difference between a car and a scooter, go to a dentist who did not know the difference between a tongue and a tooth, or use a computer ‘expert’ who didn’t know there exists both hardware AND software ?

So why go for help with a mental problem to a psychiatrist or psychologist who doesn’t know the difference between a piece of meat called “brain” and a vital survival mechanism called “mind” ?

It is hardly surprising that in 1950, with Wundt then dead for nearly 90 years, when Hubbard published his revolutionary work on “DIANETICS®”, he entitled 
it “The Modern Science of Mental Health”.

Dianetics” means “through the mind”, thus immediately underlining the difference between Hubbard’s work and today’s psychiatric view of mankind controlled by a lump of edible fleshy brain tissue.

So Hubbard's book is intended to help us understand and recognise the truth about “mental health”, what it is, how it can sometimes be “below par” and how it can be brought back into good and reliable working condition by helping each person to work with his or her own mind, not just with their electronic switchboard message transmitting brain.

If we are to find “better mental health” (i.e. healthier minds), we had better start by deciding what we mean by that phrase.   “Mental” means: “concerned with the mind”.   But what does “mind” itself actually mean ?

Hubbard defines the human mind as existing in two parts: the Analytical Mind function and the Reactive Mind function.

Both consist of recorded “pictures” of experiences plotted against time and preserved in energy and mass in the vicinity of the being and which when given the attention of the individual are re-created and available for viewing.    Like cinema film, in full colour, moving, and also in 3D and complete with records of sound, touch, taste and smell, such records are created at some 24 pictures (or frames) per second.

In addition to being able to ‘remember’ and to ‘forget’ recorded mental image pictures of actual experience, the individual can also use his mental abilities to create new not earlier experienced pictures in his or her imagination.

You can easily check these statements for yourself:  Close your eyes and get a picture of an orange.   When you have done that, make it into a purple orange.  When you have done that, let go of that picture, and now get a picture of a banana.  Note that you ‘remembered’ an orange, that you ‘imagined’ a purple orange, and that you were able to ‘forget’ the orange when you put your attention on bananas.

Try also picturing a moving object like a car or horse, and note you can see and hear it move.   Then try remembering the last hot meal you enjoyed.  Note that you can also recall the taste, the texture or touch of the food, and its smell.

The Analytical Mind Ability - provably possessed only by Man - when conscious, is aware, observes data, remembers it and resolves problems.   To do this it uses "identification", "comparison" and "differentiation".  You are using it as you read this.  It is normally alert and aware, and it analyses and uses its recorded experiences to plot a CHOSEN personal goals path through life.

But, the Reactive Mind possessed by all flesh and blood bodies solely TO PROTECT THE BODY, is comprised of those mental image pictures recorded during periods of pain, unconsciousness, loss, failure and damage to physical survival. i.e.   ALL threats to the body - plus - the fact that, and the means by which, the body survived.

It is provably only capable of "identification" or "recognition" and is the only "mind" possessed by animals.

Whilst analytical actions, estimations, calculations, computations, comparisons, differentiations and records are used by the individual to progress towards his or her OWN chosen goals, reactive records are robotically used to protect the body from physical injury, etc., on the basis of what was successful body survival at an earlier similar time.

As a result. bodily survival “solutions” and actions are enforced upon the individual by by-passing the Analytical Mind's control of the body and substituting control by the Reactive Mind - based on the strictly material consideration that - "IF THE BODY IS LOST" so also are the Soul and the Analytical function - which of course is just not true.

Not true, because - if and when permitted to do so - the Analytical Mind with its vastly superior computing ability can do a far far better job of saving the body than the Reactive function.

If we are looking for “better” mental health, what do we mean by “better”?   The dictionarys says: “improved”, “more fit for purpose”, “more effective”.

So better mental health would mean a condition in which we are able to survive more efficiently and effectively as a self-motivating individual with chosen goals and purposes, in control of a human brain and body in good healthy working condition.

Good mental health would allow us to choose to survive physically and mentally for self, family, groups, mankind, other life forms, the physical universe, the spiritual universe and for a Supreme Being.

Although Psychiatry is still a huge world-wide industry, its reputation as a professional science has never been lower.  Jokes about “shrinks” and “how many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb ?”, etc., have never been more in vogue than they are today, and apart from the failures of their so-called “treatments”, there are every day reports of unethical conduct, fraud and serious physical, sexual and financial abuse of patients.

In fact it is now clear that psychiatry’s main role today is as the U.K’s ‘pusher’ of addictive pharmaceutical prescription drugs, driven by the insatiable demand for more and more profit and for more population control.


Described in its own training literature as: “The branch of medicine which deals with mental disorders, their origins, diagnosis, treatment and prevention”, modern psychiatry is revealed in that same literature as being comprised of a wide range of disagreements between various schools, factions or ‘authorities’ arising from “a long and controversial history”.

It is therefore not surprising that Dr Chris Evans’ authoritative description and definition of psychiatry concludes with the following very revealing and honest paragraph:

The trouble with psychiatry today is that it is still without a working theory, not just of the mind but also the disturbed mind.  Even a definition of ‘mental illness’ is not easy to come by, so perhaps it is not surprising that TO THIS DATE PSYCHIATRIC METHODS HAVE INEVITABLY BEEN OF A HIT OR MISS VARIETY”!  (BOLD emphasis added)

Which brings us to "WHY" Psychiatry is so bad for human "Mental Health", and to why worldwide organisations like CCHR are essential to the preservation of Man's superiority over the animal kingdom and over more and more of the physical universe.

Applying animal based psychiatric research results to Man, is like adding diesel fuel to the tank of a petrol engined motor car.

You can always expect to fail to get more than a few miles down the road, and likewise, treating a Human Being as an animal with no Soul and no Mind soon results in no further progress of that individual through a sane, knowledgable and responsible lifetime.

Because the aspirations and activities of Mankind - as flesh and blood bodies directed by immortal Souls with Analytical Computing Abilities - do not match the behaviour patterns of animals - who have no Souls or Analytical Abilities - over the years it has become clear to psychiatric theorists that what they have learned from animal behaviour must be "bent", adjusted or reframed to fit Humans - IF Psychiatry is to continue as the world authority on "Mental Health" WHICH IT PRETENDS TO BE, and for which it has procured Royal approval and patronage via a tissue of really fantastic lies.

Bearing in mind that psychiatry’s main role today is as the U.K’s ‘pusher’ of addictive pharmaceutical prescription drugs, driven by the psycho-pharm fraternity's insatiable demand for more and more profit and for more population control, in addition to bending their animal researched theories to fit people, they have resorted to inventing "new" mental disorders, often by merely "re-labelling" individual aspects of normal human behaviour as "a mental disorder".

This is particularly prevalent in relation to elderly people and to those youngsters yet to reach the age of maturity, wherein many of the aspects of "growing old" and "growing up" have been labelled as "mental disorders" in order to justify the prescription of profitable addictive drug "treatments" or "therapies".

The 1952 first issue of a book - published by the A.P.A. (the American Psychiatric Association) and entitled "The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" - listed around 50 such disorders. Subsequent issues at regular intervals has seen the list of so-called "Mental Disorders" grow 8 times in number to nearly 400.

Not because the population is any more insane today than it was 66 years ago, but because the A.P.A. wants to make "Mental Health Issues" a much broader field hidden behind "psycho-babble" and affecting the health of billions more people who can then be profitably "prescription treated" by their country's National Health Service at government expense (i.e. paid for by the Taxpayer).

"PRESCRIPTION ADDICTION" is the vehicle selected 70 years ago by the psycho-pharmaceutical fraternity to create the totally irresistible demand for pharmaceutical products which has provenly made BILLIONS OF £POUNDS of salaries, profits, dividends and bonuses for what is now the largest and one of the most dangerous commercial enterprises in the world.

Whilst some of this expansion has been funnelled through "Physical Health" "treatments", by far the major expansion has been via bogus "Mental Health" treatments because . . . . WHO AMONGST US CAN SUCCESSFULLY ARGUE WITH GOVERNMENT PSYCHIATRISTS about subjects which even our politicians find mysterious, frightening and over-whelming ?

Politicians and Officials who themselves are increasingly becoming part of the addictive drug culture, and supportive of Government paid involuntary prescription addiction BECAUSE THEY HAVE BEEN CLEVERLY AND BLATANTLY LIED TO for well over half a century about addiction being "incurable" !

The reason the 313 page Department of Health "Orange Book" (authored by the Government's Chief Psychiatrist and the National Addiction Centre) has been written, is to make the LIE about addiction being "incurable" as formal and as official as possible.

But this blog author's 44 active years in the addiction recovery training sector along with 8 earlier years of study in the field, proves conclusively that, whilst 25 to 30% of addictive substance addicts (alcohol and drugs) are Resistive Cases (who - for a variety of reasons have no personal desire to quit), there are another 70 to 75% of addicts (both illicit and legal) who would give their right arm to be able to return to the natural state of lasting relaxed abstinence into which they were born.

Their only problem is not that they are incurable, or don't want to quit. Their problem is very simply that THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY QUIT !

Furthermore, whilst the knowledge they need for quitting has been available for 52 years, instead of the Government providing highly successful Addiction Recovery Training for addicts, psycho-pharm profit interests have spent the last half century convincing Government to suppress cures and instead spend money on "managing" what they say is "incurable addiction" by daily supplying highly addictive and profitable prescription drugs such as methadone, buprenorphine, the benzodiazepines, the "C" drugs and the "Z" drugs etc., - all paid for by U.K. Taxpayers.

Do you want to know why DIANETICS "The Modern Science of Mental Health" and "NARCONON" "The World's Most Effective Addiction Recovery Training Programme", have both been viciously attacked for the last 52 to 68 years, along with the man who researched and founded the Church of Scientology ?

It is because the genius level works of humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard not only cure individuals of Mental Health problems, but also cure illicit and prescription drug addicts, and thus "rob" both Psychiatrists and Pharmaceutical companies of extremely lucrative and easy-to- sell-to addicted dependent MILLIONS of victims - whose supplies the psycho-pharms have convinced "lied-to-and-mislead" Politicians and Officials to pay from Taxpayer funds.

And it is only because L. Ron Hubbard's Mental Health and Addiction Recovery Training programmes actually do work to deliver the very best results available in these fields, that - against all the odds and all the attacks - Dianetics, Narconon and Scientology continue to expand across the world at the fastest rate ever witnessed in Man's history for any such humanitarian movement !

Which raises the question of "why" the psycho-pharmaceutically run "Society for the Study of Addiction" has for 134 years published their monthly 300 page "ADDICTION" magazine without ever presenting a single EFFECTIVE cure for addiction.

It equally raises the question of "why" the psycho-pharmaceutically dominated "Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs" - charged with advising the Home Office on drugs and addiction, in the whole 47 years since its formation, has also never once presented an EFFECTIVE cure for addiction to the Cabinet.

Both these psycho-pharm run "authoritative" organisations will protest that they have always advised that the "Small-Dose Step-Down Addiction Withdrawal Management System", as published in the medico-pharmaceutical "bible", the "British National Formulary", has always been available and recommended for decades.

HOWEVER, they will fail to mention that none of the Members of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) produce the "SMALL-Doses" of their addictive prescription drugs ESSENTIAL to the implementation of their definitely viable but slow "Small-Dose Step-Down Addiction Withdrawal Management System".

Which essentially confirms that, after spending time, money and effort on addicting patients in order to make easy sales and profits, big pharma is not going to cut its profits by providing the means for G.Ps to prescribe the "Small-Doses" which will cure the country's current four to five MILLION involuntarily addicted patients - whose supply of addictive drugs is every day being paid for by the U.K. National Health Service - or more accurately - by our Taxpayers, and which currently costs them £13.5 MILLION £pounds EVERY DAY !


There is no such thing as "accidental or unfortunate addiction". ADDICTION IS A DELIBERATE MARKETING STRATEGY, whether the supply comes from a Drug Baron or from a Pharmaceutical Company.

And bear in mind that the addicts created by the Drug Barons - instead of being cured - are all quite cleverly eventually taken over by the psycho-pharm fraternity and converted to none cure profitable and addictive prescription drugs - for life !

UNFORTUNATELY, in order to handle this most vicious of all the problems gnawing away at our health, our health service, our productivity, the success of our Brexit and the factors which made Britain Great - we need POLITICAL BRAVERY AND ACTION in the form of new legislation urgently and strongly applied.

Instead however, we are getting Party Politics, plus what are essentlally blackmail payments to the Pharmaceutical Industry and the sort of re-arranging of the deck chairs as pioneered aboard the sinking Titanic.

Witness Theresa May's and Jeremy Hunt's recent gift of another £20 BILLION £pounds of Taxpayers hard earned money to the ABPI, in response to the blackmail threats which the big pharma President made in the last week of April 2017. (See "THE TIMES" of 27/4/2017.)

Jeremy Hunt says that his injection of this EXTRA £20 BILLION A YEAR (£55 MILLION A DAY) is "FOR THE N.H.S.".

But you can bet that the President of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry already has it ear-marked for the supply of even more quantities of addictive drugs, plus the reaching of the ABPI's over-arching goal, which is:  "NORMAL LIFE EVERY DAY GOVERNMENT SUPPLYING OF ADDICTIVE PRESCRIPTION DRUGS TO THE VAST MAJORITY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM POPULATION, VIA THE N.H.S.".

Progressing this is Jeremy Hunt's ongoing new legislation for "TRANSFORMING CHILDREN'S AND YOUNG PEOPLE'S MENTAL HEALTH PROVISION", involving the prescribed addicting of 18 MILLION pupils and students between 5 and 25 years of age in education at Primary Schools to High Schools to Colleges and to Universities - each with its own diagnosing and prescribing "Mental Health Lead" - another term for psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse.

And interestingly at a cost to Taxpayers of £54 MILLION A DAY - nearly the whole £20 BILLION A YEAR just handed to the N.H.S !

As Adolf Hitler once privately claimed about his carefully planned slaughter of millions: "The more unbelievable and incredible the goals you set - the more people will fail to believe them, and thus naively facilitate their accomplishment."

This Article Researched and Published

by S.A.F.E. - the U.K.

Society for an Addiction Free Existence

A not-for-profit community support group founded in 1974

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